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Metadata is the information required to define a model and we can divide it to 2 parts:

  1. Column of the model and metadata about them
  2. Metadata about the model itself (compound index's, collation, versioning, etc...)

Mongoose metadata#

In mongoose we define all the metadata in the Schema class.

  1. Column metadata is defined by providing a SchemaDefinition object.
  2. Metadata about the model is defined by providing a SchemaOptions.
import { SchemaDefinition, SchemaOptions, Schema } from 'mongoose';
const columnMetadata: SchemaDefinition = {
name: Schema.Types.String,
const modelMetadata: SchemaOptions = {
collection: 'data',
var dataSchema = new Schema(columnMetadata, modelMetadata);

GooseTyped metadata#

In GooseTyped metadata is defined as part of the class definition, as an additional parameter sent to decorators.

In most cases the decorators does not require additional metadata and provide a default behavior that will usually suffice, however if you wish to change it you can.

You'll notice that some metadata options will match directly to mongoose options and some will not. GooseTyped goal is to simplify how models are defined and it abstracts away some of the options to reduce the complexity.

For example, the skipVersioning option is set on the model options in mongoose but in GooseTyped it is set per column and GooseTyped will created the proper definition for the entire model from all of the column.