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Single Index#

import { GtDocument, GtModel } from '@pebula/goosetyped';
export class Person extends GtModel() {
@GtIndex({ sort: 'asc' })
name: string;
@GtIndex({ sort: 'desc' })
age: number;
@GtIndex() // defaults to 'asc'
nickname: string;

Metadata: GtSingleIndexMetadataArgs

Compound Index#

import { GtDocument, GtModel } from '@pebula/goosetyped';
indices: {
name: 'asc';
nickname: 'desc';
options: {
test: true,
export class Person extends GtModel() {
name: string;
age: number;
nickname: string;

Metadta: GtCompoundIndexMetadataArgs